new site

Well, after how many years, we are finally embarking on a new site.  This is very much a part of a new overall direction at Hahn Guitars.  I have always wanted to build the best guitars I could with the goal of providing musicians with the most expressive, wonderful instruments available - new or vintage.  A tall order, for sure, but why not?  There is nothing like playing music, and your instrument really needs to be a part of that journey.  I strive to build a guitar that very much disappears in your hands - so that you are just in the moment and not fighting or even noticing your guitar.  Instead, I believe that it needs to allow you to go places that you didn't know were possible - beyond thinking, and simply into a space where you are reacting, creating and expressing.  This probably sounds a bit weirdo, but I hope not - we have all been there, otherwise, you would not be here :-) .  So, with the new site, we are heading in this new direction - of putting more guitars into the world, and in an easier way.  We will still do custom orders, but we will be building guitars to the same quality as always, but to a set of specifications that we have chosen.  In some ways, these are the versions of the guitar that we believe are best for the guitar (but what do we know!).  Over the years, clients have ordered so many different spec'd guitars that we have learned a lot... and that knowledge is put into these guitars.  From a process and technical standpoint, these are the exact same guitars we have always built.

So,... if you want to forgot what position your pickup selector is in, and just play and get lost in your music, maybe one of these guitars is for you :-)   To all, including us, bon voyage, and please check back and see how we develop our site and our guitars ... your comments would be great!